Saturday, July 12, 2014

Movie Review: The Juggler of Notre Dame: A Must See Movie for Christmas or Anytime

(Originally Published at Yahoo.Voices formerly Associated Content~12/25/2009)

ABSTRACT: This is probably one of the most heart-warming movies to watch anytime but especially during the holiday season

CONTENT: © Dec 24, 2008--originally published at Ciao under my pen-name of pyewacket

This 1982 movie The Juggler of Notre Dame is one of those movies that should be made a Christmas tradition to watch, just in the same way It's A Wonderful Life or any of the versions of Dickens' A Christmas Carol

The movie centers around a down and out juggler, Barnaby Stone. He's a bitter man and feels like a complete failure in life. He had once belonged to one of the most famous circus acts, and had fallen in love with one of the women tightrope performers. They were married under the circus' big top and were to enjoy a blissful life together until tragedy struck. During one performance, while Barnaby was doing his famous juggling act, his wife Beatrice was performing on the tightrope, but slipped and fell. Barnaby sees her fall and races over to her hoping to catch her, but he fails, and she falls to her death.

He leaves the circus, to become a homeless man, trying to make a meager living performing his juggling act on the streets. One day, his performance catches the eye of another homeless man, named Sparrow who is totally fascinated by Barnaby and think his juggling skills are a gift from God. Barnaby scorns this attitude as he no longer believes in God due to the death of his wife. A strange bond occurs between Barnaby and Sparrow however, and Barnaby starts teaching Sparrow basic juggling tricks. The two then embark in performing together on the streets making a meager living.
Then, unfortunately another tragedy occurs in Barnaby's life, when one night Sparrow is killed by a band of homeless men who steal the little money Barnaby and Sparrow had earned during one of their juggling acts.

Now two tragedies have occurred in his life, and Barnaby feels more hopeless and bitter toward life than ever before, and walks aimlessly for many miles, with no particular destination in mind. One day, he comes upon a man named Jonas, a sculptor who is absolutely fascinated by Barnaby's face and wants to use him as the subject of one of his sculptures. Barnaby is hesitant as he can't figure out why he should be so fascinating to Jonas as he feels his life is so worthless, nonetheless he agrees. Now while Jonas is enthusiastic over his "luck" in finding Barnaby as a subject for his work, his sister, Dulcy is antagonistic toward Barnaby, thinking what a mockery that Jonas wants to create a sculpture using the face of a homeless man, after having sculptured a beautiful statue of the Virgin Mary, which is now housed in the nearby local church, called Notre Dame after the famous one in France.
At the time Barnaby arrives, the whole town is busy restoring the Notre Dame church as most of it had been destroyed during an earthquake. The whole town is getting ready to celebrate in the half restored church, and on Christmas Eve, a service will be performed and all the townspeople are required to leave gifts at the feet of the Virgin Mary statue. Some will make a special quilt, some make homemade jams, wood crafts, and Dulcy herself, famous for her baked pies will leave a gift of one of her apple pies.

Dulcy, antagonistic as ever toward Barnaby, asks him what he plans to give as a gift for the Virgin Mary. The words sting him like a blow to the face, and he decides to leave as in his heart he has nothing to give.
Does Barnaby leave? Does he have a gift for the Virgin Mary? Who makes an appearance to him telling him that he does indeed have a special gift, and when he does give his gift, what miracle happens?
I'm not going to tell the rest of the plot and I did leave a lot out of it as this is a must see movie. I do warn you have tissues at the end.


This really is a must see movie, that really doesn't have to be watched only at Christmas time, but anytime, however perhaps one of the best times to watch it, is on Christmas Eve itself. The theme is similar to It's A Wonderful Life, or even The Drummer Boy in that the main characters feel they have nothing to offer in life, and that they are useless. But then some "miracle" occurs and they then realize their worth in life. This is one of those movies where the waterworks flow like buckets at the end. It really doesn't matter what religion you are even though it has strong Christian themes...anyone can enjoy this movie.

From a few things I read about this movie, it's based on an old medieval French legend, of which I was able to find several versions of it and in English though haven't read it yet. The folktale is called Our Lady's Tumbler an anonymous piece and translated by P.H. Wicksteed, yet there is a much longer version available and just downloaded both copies.

For a rating I would give it a ten out of's that good.

Barnaby Stone.........Carl Carlsson
Sparrow.....................Patrick Collins
Jonas Wintergreen...Merlin Olsen
Dulcy Wintergreen.....Melinda Dillon
Father Delaney..........Eugene Roche

Directed by Michael Rhodes
Music: Christopher L. Stone
Running Time: 49 minutes

One can see the entire movie on Youtube

The Juggler Of Notre Dame on Youtube

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