Wednesday, July 9, 2014

ARTICLE: A New Trend for the Wine Connoisseur:: The Tabor Hill Wine Tabor Hill Wine Label

(Originally published at Yahoo.voices formerly Associated Content~6/4/2008)

ABSTRACT: The Tabor Hill Winery is located in Michigan and has produced more award winning wines than any other wine around the world, and is a wine tasting experience that can satisfy the most discriminating wine connoisseur.

CONTENT: Since I've been cooking for well over thirty years and my specialty being French foods, naturally when it came to using wine in preparation for my meals, I always and only use French wines. You might say I was a French wine snob, truly believing that no wine could outmatch the rich red Bordeaux, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon or the crisp, light white Chablis from the French wine countryside. While other countries had a rich, long history and reputation of producing wine, and we here even America produced great wines from the Napa Valley area of California or upstate New York, I still held firm to only using or drinking French wines.

Then, not long ago, I was watching a very late night show called Distant Roads, and one segment talked about Tabor Hill Winery and Restaurant, located in Buchanan, Michigan. Prior to this show, I had never even heard of Tabor Hill, nor even realized that this winery has produced more award winning wines than even those cherished French wines I loved so much.

The Tabor Hill Winery itself, began back in 1968 on 70 acres of land that had ideal conditions for growing grapes for the wine industry. They first started with producing their Classic Demi-Sec, which is a semi-dry white wine and is their number one award winning wine. In years to come, they expanded and now produce over twenty-five types of wine, from seven varieties of dry white wine, such as Chardonnay, six types of dry red wines including Cabernet Sauvignon, a variety of semi-dry wines to even sparkling wines such as Spumanté. They also have a restaurant there where of course, their wine is exclusively featured.

Tabor Hill also boasts that one of their favorite customers who would buy their wine by the case was comedian Bob Hope, and the Tabor Hill label of wines have graced the tables at formal affairs at the White House.

When I heard the great rapport this wine label had due to that show, I admittedly became curious, and was lucky to find several Tabor Hill wines at my local liquor store, and decided to try their Merlot wine at a cost of $12.99. Well what can I say? Tabor Hill has a new customer...their Merlot is every bit as rich, hearty and satisfying as any I've had from France.

As I see it, anyone who enjoys fine wine, and up until now has only experienced imported wines or wines from California or New York, should give the Tabor Hill label a try. It just could be the new trend in the whole wine tasting experience for any discriminating connoisseur.

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