Friday, July 11, 2014

ARTICLE: Ingredients in Vaccines: What You Don't Know Could Harm You

(Originally published at Yahoo.voices formerly Associated Content~6/11/2009)

ABSTRACT: While vaccines have proven to be phenomenal in preventing many diseases it would shock one if they knew the ingredients found in many vaccines.

CONTENT: As my great-grandmother, who was a nurse had often said, medicines will either cure you or kill you, and I often wonder if she were alive today, what she would think of the medical profession in general today. While she was a nurse, my great-grandmother, even back in her days, was none to keen on any kind of chemical, pharmaceutical concoction, preferring more natural type remedies. She never took anything stronger than aspirin, and lived to be the ripe age of 98. I must somehow inherited my great-grandmother's disdain for medications as well, and with the exception of occasional usage of antibiotics and yes, aspirin, I too steer away from pharmaceutical drugs.

When it comes to vaccines, I haven't had any in decades. When flu season comes along, I don't rush out to my doctor to get immunized, and with the exception of one case of the flu when I was eleven, I haven't had a case of it since then. Also, my now deceased mother never got flu shots either, despite her age and doctor's recommendation save twice, and ironically she got the flu the two times she did get a flu shot.

Recently, I became aware of the controversial issue of the Gardasil vaccine that is supposed to guard against a few strains of the HPV virus that cause cervical cancer in women. There have been reports of deaths amongst the young girls and women getting this vaccine, while others came down with severe health problems that would remain with them for the rest of their lives. It made me wonder, if vaccines are indeed a cure you or kill you type of medicine, people should become more aware of what ingredients are in these vaccines in general. To give one example, Gardasil has a known ingredient, borax which is often used as a roach killer. Roach killer? In a vaccine? Why on earth would anyone want this ingredient in their vaccine and for what purpose is it included? Then I started reading up on other vaccines and what ingredients they had in them and couldn't help thinking, if people knew exactly what was in those vaccines they would perhaps never get another vaccine in their lifetime.

First I just must say up front, that I'm not entirely against the idea of vaccines as many have indeed been life savers and have helped eradicate and rid the world of the many diseases that previously caused death, especially in children, such as measles, whooping cough, diphtheria and polio. The basic premise in how vaccines work is that all contain the virus, bacteria or allergen itself that one is trying to prevent and by vaccinating a person with the live virus, bacteria or allergen it supposedly creates an immunity to that particular disease, yet as I indicated previously, this wasn't the case with my mother, who only would get the flu the two times she was immunized, and I'm sure others can testify that they may have experienced the same problem.

Perhaps, if the only ingredient in vaccines were the live viruses/bacteria/allergens themselves, maybe, just maybe many people would not be suffering from adverse reactions to the vaccines from the very mild to the very severe to the point of possibly causing death. Instead, vaccines are a virtual cocktail of ingredients that one should be aware of. There are several informative websites, such as Informed Choice and that list the various ingredients of the better known and more frequently used vaccines and this of course, included those vaccines that children are bombarded with at a very early age.

One of the most common ingredients found in the vast majority of vaccines is neomycin and quite often polymyxin as well. Both are antibiotics and are included in such vaccines targeted for Measles, Rubella, and Smallpox. The MMR vaccine for Measles, Mumps and Rubella contain neomycin. Now one may wonder what the big deal is about having an antibiotic in a vaccine, that in general antibiotics do help people, however if one reads up on neomycin and/or polymyxin, one will find these two antibiotics come with severe warnings. (1) How many times has a doctor, when writing out a prescription, has asked you if you were allergic to a certain medicine? Well, if you never had that particular medication, how are you to know unless of course you actually take it, and then you are in a sense playing Russian roulette as to whether that medication will help or harm you. More important, a young baby or child subjected to those vaccines won't know if they have a severe reaction until it's too late.

Another very common ingredient found in the vast majority of vaccines believe it or not, is formaldehyde and why on earth this ingredient is included is one that completely baffles me. According to the CDC Website "Formaldehyde is used to inactivate bacterial products for toxoid vaccines" (3) Formaldehyde is more commonly found in many household products such as wood (particle board), glues, insulation materials, and of course is the ingredient used for embalming in mortuaries, it is also a known carcinogen.(2) Formaldehyde is found in the following vaccines: DPT and Tripedia (diphtheria - tetanus - pertussis), FluShild, IPOL (polio). Another known carcinogen that is included in many vaccines are the various forms of Aluminum, and worse is thermisol, a mercury derivative. Supposedly, thermisol was eliminated in vaccines several years ago, however, that isn't entirely true as it is still found in the diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis, flu, and hepatitis type vaccines.

If this isn't making your head spin already, here is a general listing of other ingredients that can be found in many vaccines: gelatin, chick embryos, human diploid cells from aborted fetal tissue, aspartame, washed sheep red blood cells, monkey kidney cells, calf serum, Monosodium glutamate (MSG) and vesicle fluid from calf skins. (4)

Granted, I'm no chemist, but I sure would like to know why such ingredients are included in these vaccines and if they are truly necessary? So many of these vaccine ingredients are not only toxic and known carcinogens, but many can trigger off allergic reactions to those who are sensitive to them. The ones most likely to be sensitive of course, are the young babies and children of whom many of these vaccines are designated for in the prevention of childhood diseases. While many might question any link between the vaccines and the rise of cases of autism, or of any other serious health issues children seem to be facing in recent years, it does make one wonder, especially since young children are given so many vaccines now, up to 35, as opposed to the ten vaccines of previous years.

Reference Sources About Vaccine Ingredients






Neomycin (1)


Formaldehyde (2)


Other Information About Vaccines





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