Thursday, July 10, 2014

ARTICLE: Product Review of Nature's Path Organic Pumpkin Flax Plus Granola Cereal: A Healthier Cereal to Eat

(Originally published at Yahoo.voices formerly Associated Content~12/15/2008)

ABSTRACT: Nature's Path Organic Pumpkin Flax Plus Granola Cereal is one hundred percent natural and is a delicious healthier alternative cereal to eat than the popular commercially known cereals.

CONTENT: Like many people, I search for foods that have true nutritional value to them especially when it comes to cereals. I tend to stay away from the very sugary popular brands of cereal, and even though they might taste good, there is little substance to them. Since I'm not really big on eating things with a lot of sugar to begin with, I've instead have switched to cereals that are better in value and that are healthier for me.

Not long ago, I found the cereal Nature's Path Organic Pumpkin Flax Plus Granola Cereal at my local Walgreens, odd when you think of it as I've never seen this cereal at any of my supermarkets. What struck me was that it was an entirely organic cereal , and clearly has the USDA Organic seal on it to verify it's purity. So on a whim, decided to buy it. I wasn't disappointed, it tastes great! It has a wonderful crunchiness not only from the rolled oats but due to the addition of pumpkin seeds which I love to munch on from time to time as a snack. Also, while this cereal does have cane juice as a sweetener it's just right and not too sweet . Not only do I eat this cereal as a breakfast food, but I also often eat this cereal by the handful as a snack instead of other snack foods like potato chips.

The ingredients of Nature's Path Organic Pumpkin Flax Plus Granola Cereal are rather simple and uncomplicated, and by that I mean when you read the ingredients you don't feel you are reading a scientist's concoction of chemicals which most popular brands of cereal contain. The ingredients are: Organic rolled oats, organic evaporated cane juice, organic soy oil, organic brown rice flour, organic pumpkin seeds, organic flaxseeds, organic oat syrup solids, sea salt, organic molasses, organic rice bran extract, and organic cinammon.

Since everyone seems to be more health conscious what also struck me is that this cereal is a good source of Omega-3 from the pumpkin seeds, which is known for it's benefits for a healthy heart and the flaxseeds are also beneficial for lowering one's cholesterol.

If one can't find this cereal or any of Nature"s Path products in their stores one can also order on-line which I hope to do. When I went to their official website at Nature's Path I found an even greater selection of cereals, both hot and cold, natural snack foods, breads granola bars and even baking mixes for pancakes, cookies and brownies.

While the cost of this cereal is a bit higher than most popular brands, at $4.59 for a small 11.5 oz box, I thoroughly and highly recommend this cereal for anyone who wishes to eat a more healthier and more nutritious cereal.

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