Thursday, July 10, 2014

ARTICLE: The Happiness Vision Board: How to Create Your Own Happiness Vision Board

(Originally published at Yahoo.voices formerly Associated Content~1/12/2009)

ABSTRACT: A Happiness Vision Board is different from a regular Vision Board in that all the images on one are those to suggest happiness and peace of mind.

CONTENT: Many people who are into the whole Law of Attraction principles, especially now thanks due to the recent success of both the book and DVD of The Secret are familiar with the usage of a Vision Board. Vision Boards are not by any means a new concept, and in some schools or New Age type religious organization have called them "Treasure Maps" instead. Even the classic book by Shakti Gawain, The Creative Visualization, published some twenty-five years ago gives mention to the idea of creating a "Treasure Map".

What the Vision Board is, for those of you not familiar with them, is to cut out images of things you would like to see manifest in your life. One creates such a Vision Board by taking images from magazines, cutting them out, and placing them on a poster type board. The best way to do this is to get a really wide variety of magazines, from home and garden, travel, luxury, and fashion type magazines. Dreaming of that new home? Then cut out an image of the type of home you would like to have. One cuts out representational for each and everything you want to manifest in your life. One can even do a composite virtual vision board via their computer by finding images on various websites and with some photo editing techniques using their Photoshop software. One can even create a virtual Vision Board screensaver, so that everytime you turn on your computer, those positive images are the first thing you'll see.

However, there is one thing that many of us may neglect which is equally and vitally important when creating a Vision Board. Most of us are so concerned and place more importance to the material things in life, such as the perfect home, luxury car, more money, travel dreams, and so forth, that we forget something that is so key to our true success in life, and it can be summed up in one word: happiness.

I'm currently in the midst of reading Happy For No Reason: 7 Steps to Being Happy From The Inside Out by Marci Shimoff. Ms. Shimoff was just one of many participants of the DVD The Secret, and I give her credit for the idea of creating of "Happiness Vision Board." The idea is basically the same concept, that is to get a stack of magazines and clip out images, but instead of the material things one wants in life, the idea is to cut images out that give one a sense of peace, tranquility and happiness, and not just for our future longings for true happiness, but for this very minute of your life, in other words, right now, for now, the present is the time we actually live in; neither in the past, nor the future.

Ask yourself, what gives you a sense of happiness, peace, or tranquility? Does your soul find a sense of bliss through nature? Do you love seeing sunsets? A beautiful butterfly resting on a flower? A waterfall? Do you feel contentment and happiness with your pet, your baby or child? Then by all means collect such images for your "Happiness Vision Board". By placing images on a poster board that give you a sense of happiness you just might find yourself less stressed out. Place this "Happiness Vision Board" where you will see it often, say right next to your computer desk; place somewhere near your bed, so the first thing you see in the morning, you'll see those peaceful, positive images and could be instrumental in creating a more positive mood in yourself that will last the whole day long.

Now for those computer geeks out there, besides creating a physical Happiness Vision Board, one can also do a virtual one such as the one I illustrate here with this article. All the images I have on it are in my own photographic collection, and as you can surmise, I'm a real nature lover.

To create your own Happiness Virtual Vision Board, open up your photo-edtiting software, such as Photoshop. Click on, "New" to get a blank canvas image and determine the size you want, in my case, I had the blank canvas image as 6" x 4" inches, which is a lot easier than trying to figure out pixel sizes. Then from your photo library, one by one, open up which images you would like to use. For each image, click on the Select All function, then press Control + C (for Mac users such as myself, it's Command + C) to copy the image. Go back to the blank canvas image, and paste the image using the Control + V (Mac users: Command + V). Next in Photoshop, click the Image Menu, then Transform, and choose the Free Transform function. This will allow you to move, place and even resize that image wherever you want it on that blank canvas. Click the Save As function and a dialog box will open asking if you wish to apply the "transformation" image, click okay, and the image is now set on the canvas. Repeat each step over again, for each image you want to add to that blank canvas until you have the whole canvas filled with the images you want for you Happiness Vision Board.

Not only will Happiness Vision Boards give you a sense of peace, tranquility and happiness at any time, but they can be so vitally important to one's peace of mind especially when feeling depressed or low.


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