Thursday, March 2, 2017

Article: Ah…The Life Of The Pampered Pet


Kissy is the first photo and the second photo is of Ouija

Article was originally published June 22, 2013 for Bubblews, a website that no longer exists

If there's any true validity of the concept of reincarnation, then I definitely want to come back as a pet in my next lifetime and have the lifestyle similar to my two pampered cats Kissy and Ouija.

To many pet owners, a dog or cat is not "just" a dog or cat, but a member of the family, their child, and as such quite often the pet will enjoy a life of luxury; we humans should have it so good. The good vast majority of pet owners will put their pets needs ahead of their own, making sure their pet is comfortable and taken care of. In today's economy, money might be tight, but pet owners will go out of their way to make sure their pet has enough to eat, their medical needs taken care of and so forth. This is so true as in the case of my two cats.

I'm not one of those people who upon awakening, leaps out of bed with a song in my heart and raring to go. Yes, I'm a grump and that morning cup of coffee is calling me. But do I indulge and think of my own needs first? Of course not! I stumble out of bed and head straight to the kitchen, closely followed by my two cats behind me. I don't fix that desperately needed coffee, but instead I open cans of cat food and "serve" breakfast to my two cats first…then I also rinse out their water bowl and give them fresh cold water to drink.

My next task is to clean up the litter pan which I do even before I tend to my own bathroom needs. Okay so now the kitties are fed, given fresh water and their litter pan clean…NOW I tend to my own needs and make that coffee and fix up a breakfast for myself. After their morning "repast" Kissy and Ouija will often go back and take a snooze. Now I have one cozy cat bed, and a makeshift bed I made out of a cardboard box with one of my old pillows in it…do they snooze in them? Of course not! Ouija will often sprawl himself full length on the sofa which inhibits me from sitting on the sofa and heaven forbid I disturb him, and Kissy will often cuddle up on my bed. Oh and of course I don't dare straighten up my bed, not unless I want to receive "the look"--only a pet owner will understand what I mean by that.

After my breakfast I start either doing chores or park myself in front to get some work done. Somewhere along the line, one of my cats thinks I've spent enough time in front of the computer, will hop up on the computer desk and "demand" attention, usually by sitting right in front of the computer monitor so I can't see a blasted thing, or by head-bonking my hand which makes me nearly drop my mouse. So what do I do? Stop everything and pay attention of course!

Ah, the pets toys! I think my cats have more "toys" to play with than I ever had as a kid, the toys are all over the place, and yes, I frequently trip over them. I also have the daily duty of retrieving toys that have been batted under the sofa, the bureau, the entertainment center..lets put it this way, I get part of my daily exercise workout just by doing this.

Before you know it, time has quickly passed and it's feeding time again and my two cats will give me a "look" signifying that they are about to pass out with hunger at any minute. And of course I feed them even before I might have my own dinner.

Now lets zoom up for when it's finally time for me to go to bed. Both cats like to keep me company while I sleep and each has their own designated spot they like to go to. They get themselves all nice and cozy while struggle try to find a spot on my bed to sleep, bottom line,I often sleep like a pretzel, and yes, of course, I don't dare disturb them…not if I want to get "the look" again.

So are my cats pampered brats? Of course they are, and you know what? I wouldn't have it any other way!

Photo Source:

1). My own photos composite of Kissy and Ouija ©Melanie Neer

UPDATE: Sadly my cat Kissy who was 15 years old passed on September 1, 2015

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