IMAGE SOURCE~ https://pixabay.com/en/positive-negative-contrast-455579/
Okay you might be wondering just what the heck I mean when I ask if we're attracting more negativity to the world. I think there's hardly a person who hasn't heard of "Law of Attraction", a concept that was the topic of the DVD "The Secret" some years ago. In a nutshell, Law of Attraction means exactly that; whatever we constantly think about and dwell on, whether positive or negative, manifests in our life, we "attract" it. Most times our thoughts are actually very negative, then we wonder why that negative situation persists. Are you constantly dwelling and thinking about your ill health, bad finances, bad relationships, if so without realizing it you're only attracting it more to you. Now I'm not saying we have to walk around in a perpetual "Pollyanna" mode and I'm OK you're OK since that isn't always realistic or possible either, but I think our lives would be much better off if we did think in more positive terms.
The Law of Attraction concept isn't by any chance a new one, in other words the DVD and the book "The Secret" didn't "invent" it; it's been around for ages. I myself actually got introduced to it however, via my way ahead "with it" great grandmother. Believe it or not, I still have her very worn out copy of the book Secret of the Ages by Robert Collier (first published in 1926) yet Law of Attraction concepts go back even further.
The Secret did however introduce Law of Attraction to many people who may not have heard of it before and on an individual level people have benefited by changing their thoughts to more positive ones, or as Mike Dooley who was in The Secret DVD would say "Thoughts Become Things".
But does Law of Attraction work on a deeper level, a worldwide level and affect the "vibes" or consciousness of the world? I'm beginning to think so and no doubt could be due to the information overload we have now via the news media which is downright negative. Lets face it, the media spews out a lot of negative news, and not just TV or radio, but news one can get via the internet, the latter quite often being more detailed and graphic in nature.
We're now more aware of what is going on in the world and almost instantaneously: we're aware of all the wars, conflicts and terrorism and on a daily basis; we're more aware of child, spousal, animal abuse issues. It may seem to us that there is more negativity going on in general even though all these negative situations have been around since mankind began. With all this negativity that we are bombarded with everyday is it in a sense affecting the consciousness of the world in general, the "vibes", is it any wonder why depression is a common "ailment"? Also, by being exposed and aware of such negativity in the world is it attracting more of it?
What's your take? Do you think that by being bombarded with such negative news daily is attracting only more of the negative situations that are going on in the world?
UPDATE: I had written this article back in 2013, and it seems there's even MORE negativity in the world
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