Tuesday, February 28, 2017

ARTICLE: A Simple Act Of Kindness

This article was originally published at Bubblews May 5, 2013, a website that no longer exists.

Have you ever come across a video that makes you go…..WOW, and puts you in a good mood? This recently happened to me as I was surfing around and lurking on some of my friend's profiles over at Facebook and came across a short video on my of my friend's profiles. The video is called Kindness Boomerang - "One Day" and is a mere 5:45 long.

Here's a very short scenario of what the video is about. It opens up with a bunch of kids skateboarding, one kid falls and lands on the sidewalk, a construction worker runs over to help the boy get up, the kid thanks the man and goes on his way. The boy now comes across an elderly woman struggling with her packages of groceries, and he decides to help carry some of her groceries and help her cross the street. The elderly woman in turns sees a woman trying to find money for the parking meter, she, the elderly woman gives the other woman change for the meter and goes on her way. The "meter" woman sees a man coming out of a store who drops something on the sidewalk, picks up the item and goes to the man to give his lost item back. The man continues on his way and sees a man struggling to take a large, heavy suitcase out of the trunk of his car, well as you can guess the man decides to help the other man carry the large suitcase. And on and on it goes with one act of kindness after another. Ah, but the beauty of it is, that as the title of the video suggests "Boomerang", since the very last scene shows a waitress who was shown an act of kindness sees a tired, sweaty construction worker and decides to give him a glass of water, yes the very same construction guy who helped the boy after he fell off his skateboard.

In our own lives we may never know what one simple act of kindness may do. I may not have the same opportunities to help someone as in the examples given in this video, but I try my best, even if it's only to say hello and give a smile to a complete stranger while walking on the street who may have a downcast expression on their face. You can't believe how suddenly their expression changes and their face now lights up with a smile back.

Here's the video over at Youtube if you wish to see it in its entirety:

Kindness Boomerang-"One Day"

I also btw fell in love with the song and managed to track it down. The music used in the video is a song called One Day by Matisyahu

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