Wednesday, April 25, 2018

ARTICLE: Close Encounters Of The Paranormal Kind

Article originally appeared May 21, 2013 on the Bubblews webs tie which no longer exists

Personal Images: Old photo with my great grandfather, great grandmother and mother circa 1950

Snoopy the white cat which came into my life shortly after my great grandmother's death

I think a little "background" information is needed here. Despite my having grown up in a Christian background and upbringing, from early on I was aware of the more "paranormal" metaphysical and mystical realms, thanks and due to my way ahead great-grandmother. It was she who, despite being Catholic, was into the ideas and concepts of reincarnation, ESP, psychic awareness; she was even "into" Edgar Cayce, the famous psychic who had given "readings" during the 1930s and 1940s, so the whole "paranormal" world wasn't so strange to me. In fact, I was to experience the paranormal on and off nearly all my life.

I had a very close bond and connection with my great grandmother, more so than either my mother or grandmother, which may have explained what happened during the last week of August of 1970 when I was fifteen years old. At that time my grandmother, mother and I were away on vacation in the Lancaster, PA area. One night, fairly late, we were all watching the Johnny Carson Show. All of a sudden I was overwhelmed by this scent flooding the hotel room. I recognized it as the favorite perfume of my great grandmother. I asked both my mother and grandmother if they could smell it; of course, they looked at me as if I were daft.

Very early the next morning we got a phone call. It was from one of my great grandmother's neighbors to tell us that she had been rushed to the hospital but had passed away. When? The exact time I started smelling that perfume of hers flooding the hotel room and this was hundreds of miles away from where my great grandmother was in the NYC area.

Sometime passes and now of course my grandmother, mother and I were home and my great grandmother had her funeral already. One night, very late I would say around near 3 a.m., both my mother and grandmother were sound asleep while I was still awake reading. Something compelled me to look up from my book. At the foot of my bed, I could very clearly see a female form, yes, it was the spirit of my great grandmother.

I guess for many people such an occurrence like this might totally freak a person out no end, but as I mentioned, I've had "paranormal" experiences on and off all my life…to me they're normal. Maybe I'll tell of some of my other experiences I've had at another time. A few saved my life.

This story doesn't end just yet. There's a part three to this story. Now it was November 7, 1970. I was coming home from school and stopped by the so-called local "hang-out" which was a candy, magazine, cigarette and soda fountain type store. I was over at the magazine section looking through a variety of magazines, when all of a sudden this dazzling, gleaming white cat walks into the store. The cat comes right over to me as if I were a long lost friend.

At that particular time, our family already had three cats, but I had never seen an all white cat close in my life and was fascinated by this cat. I asked the store keeper if I could call up my mother at work to ask her if it was all right to bring this cat home. When I told my mother about this cat she said yes, that by all means, it was okay to bring the cat home. I picked up the cat and snuggled it close to me wrapping the cat with my coat I was wearing since it was a chilly November day. He didn't panic at all, but seemed quite content to be near me as I walked home.

Here's the "punchline" you might say. Not long after taking home this white cat, which I was to name Snoopy, my grandmother and mother revealed that my great grandmother always wanted a white cat but never did. Coincidence? For some reason, I don't think so.

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