Monday, November 4, 2013

The Attraction of the Law of Attraction: Attracting What You Want in Your Life

(Originally Published August 14, 2007~Yahoo.voices`Non-Exclusive)

I'm by no means a stranger to the whole Law Of Attraction concept, that is, whatever one desires in life, whether it be more wealth, better health, or great relationships, one can attain them all as a reality by the means of programing one's mind. I was first introduced to the Law Of Attraction principles through my great-grandmother, who as far as I'm concerned was years ahead of her time. While she had been raised as a Catholic, she didn't particularly stick to a strict discipline of her religion, and ventured out into other viewpoints of life. She became familiar with the teachings and ideologies set forth in the non-denominational religions such as Unity, School of Christianity and Science of Mind. Therefore, it was due to her, that the rest of us in the family, that being my grandmother, mother and myself, were familiar with not only these schools of what would be called as New Thought principles, but we were also familiar with the names of such authors as Napoleon Hill (Think and Grow Rich), Robert Collier (The Secret Of The Ages), Catherine Ponder (Pray and Grow Rich), and of course any one of the numerous books by the "positive thinking" person himself, Norman Vincent Peale. My great-grandmother was by no means a millionaire due to her knowledge of using the Law Of Attraction principles, but neither was she ever poor. To a certain extent, she did live an "abundant" life as there was never any lack throughout her life, and she lived to be a young ninety-eight years of age.

I had been baptized Catholic, and confirmed Protestant, but like many people who as soon as they grow older, say in their mid-teen years,around fifteen or sixteen years of age, I in effect started my own journey to understand the meaning of life, and began delving into the world my great-grandmother had already known about. I began reading up just about anything I could about in the New Thought concepts, and the whole Law Of Attraction ideologies, and continued to do so well beyond my college years. I have to admit, while I was "attracted" to these ideologies and did to a certain degree applied many of the principles involved , yet I have to admit, I never went full speed ahead with it. That is, I really didn't make it a daily part of my life which is what is needed if one is to fully gain the benefits of the whole Law Of Attraction lifestyle...that is until now, after all these years.

As you can probably guess, my "new" interest in re-learning the Law Of Attraction concepts was triggered by non other than the recent phenomenal success of Rhonda Byrne's The Secret. Several months ago, I had bought the book, but I was also longing to get the DVD as well, but I have to admit, with the fairly tight budget I was facing, it was kind of an extravagance for me, but then who knows? Maybe the Law Of Attraction was already starting to work for me while I was reading The Secret book. I was browsing one night on the e-Bay website, and lo and behold, several copies of the DVD were up for auction, and the extended version to boot. I took a chance, bid on one copy, and yes, won it for a fraction of the original cost. Now I was thoroughly hooked, and was getting my hands on anything and everything that had to do with the Law Of Attraction. I bought copies of The Success Principles (Jack Canfield), and The Attractor Factor (Joe Vitale), two principle participants who were involved with The Secret DVD. Then hunting around on the internet, I found the websites of just about all the others who played key roles in the DVD. Mainly of the websites belonging to Joe Vitale, James Ray, Bob Doyle,John Assaraf, Bob Proctor, and so forth, that while yes, they do have extensive CD-programs that are quite expensive, many offer little "freebie" courses that one can subscribe to and get as e-mail lessons or newsletters. The most fun website belongs to Mike Dooley who even has a discussion forum one can join and be connected with others of like mind.

Not only have I taken an interest in reading books by the "newer" philosophers, I started digging around my extensive collection of books in my own library, and discovered I still had my old, battered copies of The Secret of Ages, and Think and Grow Rich, the former book which was one of the main inspirations that led Ms. Byrne's herself on her own journey and path to the Law Of Attraction concepts . I also discovered many websites where one can actually download either free or relatively inexpensive e-books of such as the 1921 classic Your Invisible Power by Genevieve Behrend. With all this reading material I now possess in my hands, let's put it this way, I have a fairly nice-sized stack of material to read about the Law Of Attraction principles that will keep me busy for a very, very long time.

Now, maybe up until now, while you may have heard of all this hoopla of the Law Of Attraction you may still be unfamiliar of what is involved here, so let me just briefly tell you what all this brouhaha is all about, and maybe it just might spark an interest in your life to begin your own journey of understanding of what this is all about.

Basically, what you think about, you get about. One of the famous three word sentences Mike Dooley says in The Secret DVD is "Thoughts Become Things". That's it in a nutshell and I could leave it at that, but you might not understand just what I mean by that. Just exactly does that mean? Well, it's like this. Whatever you are thinking about, whatever you are concentrating on, whether good or bad, you will attract more like it. The whole idea is to concentrate on what you do want in life, so you have to virtually re-program your mind on the positive, and no, one isn't supposed to walk around in a state of perpetual Pollyanna-ism or simple wishful thinking, for it does go down into a deeper level than that. If that were the case, if all one had to do was bombard the mind with a daydreaming frame of wishful thinking then we'd all be millionaires, we'd all be one-hundred percent healthy, we'd all have the ideal relationships and so forth. But what it does involve is turning your conscious awareness in a more positive level of awareness, and to think of those aspects of your life that you want to attract more of.

Now the problem with most of us, we get wrapped up in what we don't want, and wonder why were still attracting the bad debt, the bad relationships, the bad health. Let me give an example. Almost like clockwork, at a certain time of year, we're told it's cold and flu maybe we're saying to ourselves, I hope I don't get sick this year, I don't want to get a cold or the flu. We're so concentrating on the fact that we don't want to get sick that guess what? You get that nasty cold or a bout of the flu and wonder why, despite eating healthy and/or exercising. You were so focused on what you didn't want to get, because you were concentrating on it and therefore attracting it to you.

The subject of money and debt is another great example of how Law Of Attraction can work. In both the book and the DVD of The Secret, Bob Proctor makes a wonderful statement. He says: ".....Most people have a goal of getting out of debt. That will keep you in debt forever. Whatever you're thinking 
about, you will attract. You say, 'But it's get out of debt.' I don't care if it's get out or get in, if you're thinking 
debt, you're attracting debt...." (page 102, The Secret)

Therefore, instead of concentrating so hard on getting out of debt, perhaps one valuable idea to begin having would be to completely eliminated that word from our vocabulary, and replace it with the idea of getting into "abundance" Live, think and breathe abundance. Instead of going to your mailbox always expecting a bill think of and concentrate on expecting a check. Now you might be saying, yeah, sure, right. Believe me, ever since I started embarking on this journey of mine, I have received unexpected sources of income coming into my life, and no, I'm not a millionaire yet...but I'm working on it.

Another valuable tool to use when using the Law Of Attraction principles, and which is mentioned in both the book and the DVD is the idea of what John Assaraf calls a vision board. I'm no stranger to this idea, though I never before called it a vision board, but had known it as a "treasure map" due to my studying New Thought concepts such as given through Unity and Science of Mind. Basically, what the vision board or treasure map is, is a visual tool to attract whatever it is you want in your life, and this is actually a lot of fun to do. Take a fairly nice stack of magazines, and they should be a variety of types from home decor, travel, fashion, cars, electronics and so forth, then have fun, cutting out images of the things your attracted to, the things you like...see a nice home in that home decor magazine? Cut it out. See the kind of car you'd like to drive? Cut it out. See a nice new home theater or stereo system you want? Cut it out. Do you wish to have better health, then cut out an image of a healthy, smiling person. Want to travel, then cut out images of places you'd like to travel to. Then have either a large poster or cork board and tack up all those images you have just cut from those magazines. If it's more money you want in your life, add some images of money on those boards, even if it means getting some "play" money or what I did, find a website like the one I have listed which shows images of large denomination bills and print them up from your printer. I have these bills printed up and taped up all over the place, especially near my bed, so the first thing I see when I wake up is a thousand dollar bill--kind of nice, no?

Actually if you really want to go gung-ho with this, make several of these vision boards...have one in the bedroom, have one in the living room, and so forth, so you can literally look at all those images just about everywhere you are in your home, and will allow you to see these images on a daily basis. The whole idea of this is to saturate ones mind with what you want really want in life, some targeted goal or goals you're aiming for. Ah, but you do have to work at it too. One can't just expect all these goals to fall in one's lap without a little effort on your part, but the amazing thing that will happen quite often, is that one will suddenly get "ideas" that literally come out of blue and will often lead you in attaining your goals. By being in this more positive frame of mind, you are opening the channels to attract the steps that will lead to better successes in life. It will almost be a snowball effect and one thing will lead into another into another. If you're curious to see some of those websites of those who participated in The Secret DVD please click to these links:

The Secret Website

John Assaraf's Website

Michael Beckwith's Website

Jack Canfield's Website

Bob Proctor's Website

James Ray's Website

Joe Vitale's Website


Mike Dooley's Website

And here is that website that shows images of large denomination bills that you can print up, and place all over your home to get that mindset of wealth and abundance. Click on anyone of the images of the bills and it will open to a page of a larger image of it, from a $1,000 dollar bill, to my all time favorite an image of the gold certificate $100,000 bill. Hey, it's a lot of fun!

Large Denomination Bills Website

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