Thursday, July 19, 2007

A Great Way To Earn Money and Make Friends

They sometimes say that there are no accidents in life, and I'm beginning to believe that's true. One time when I had signed into one of the Photography related Yahoo groups that I belong to, there was someone who made a post about a great money-making opportunity, and that was with a place called MyLot.
MyLot it a discussion forum group with people from all walks of life have joined up and can participate in discussions posted by fellow MyLotters. These discussions range from the rather serious to completely silly.
The whole great thing is that as you participate, whether initiating your own discussions or respond to a discussion, you earn money for each time you post. All right, it's not going to be a great grand fortune here.....don't expect to rival Donald Trump in his billions, but hey, a little extra cash is extra cash...right?

So if you want to join in on the fun....join here:


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