Wednesday, July 2, 2014

ARTICLE: Tips for Creating a Website for Your Pet The Ultimate Gift for Your Pet

(Originally published at Yahoo.Voices formerly Associated Content~August 21, 2007)

Pet owners can quite often be viewed as an entirely different category apart from the "normal" human species, that is those who do not own a pet. It's not uncommon for pet owners to genuinely treat their pet or pets as part of their family and will even call their pets their "children" or babies. Non-pet owners are sometimes mystified as to why people will grieve more when one of their "children" dies, thinking so coldly that oh, it's just an animal. Just try saying that to a pet owner and get ready for World War III to occur.

Pet owners will be just as finicky as perhaps their pets are, and are willing to go out of their way to do just about anything for their beloved pet companion; from making sure that they buy nothing but the best food for them, to buying special beds for them, buying just about as many "toys" as they do for their human children, to buying or creating whole environments for their pet to play in. Just browse amongst any one of the numerous pet related websites and one can literally be overwhelmed and bedazzled over the products that are in the market today and available to the pet owner. Some pet websites are devoted solely and only to pet clothes, usually geared more for dog owners, but there are not only clothes for cats, but costumes that can be worn for such occasions as Halloween. Believe it or not, I came across one website that even sold a closet that can store all those pet clothes!

Then there are the pet websites especially for the cat owner that sell high-tech litter pans, and even furniture that is specifically made to conceal that litter pan. One of my friends actually has such a piece of furniture that to the average person would appear and looks like a typical end table, beautifully designed and hand-crafted. Open up the swinging hinged doors however, and viola, there is the litter pan concealed inside.

Another new recent item, is the pet stroller. It's actually designed for both cats and smaller dogs, and in appearance looks almost exactly like a regular baby stroller, but instead of a human baby, one can place their cat or small dog inside and take their pet for a stroll. I could go on, on what is out their and available, but then this would turn out into something of a novella. Just take my word for it, there is an awful lot out there in the world for the pet owner to acquire and pamper there pet in more ways than one.

I guess the point I'm trying to make here and of which should be a bit obvious, is that we pet owners can be a tad overzealous at times in just how we treat that non-human child of the family and will go out of our way to do just about anything for them. It's also not unusual for a pet owner to take just as many photos of their pet companions and carry around just as many photos of them as they do of their human children. I hate to say it, and will gladly confess that I'm guilty of this myself. To me however, the ultimate extravagance we pet owners can demonstrate for ones pet is to create their own website. Yes, you heard right, their own website. Okay, lets face it, they, our pets can't see or comprehend their website that we have designed for them, but this is sure one great way to show off our pets to fellow pet owners.

For all I know, there may be hundreds of websites devoted in creating a website for their pet. Some are strictly and only for cats, others only for dogs, but there is one popular website that is great no matter what kind of kind of pet one has. Some of these websites are great in not only creating pages of ones existing pets, but one can also devote tribute pages to those pets that have departed as a lasting memory to them in cyberspace.

The real amusing thing here in my own case, that yes, I have my own websites that I've designed for my own particular needs, such as my photography websites to show off my photography work, and a newly developed website to display my crafts that I sell, plus a few blogs, and other personal sites, but my two existing cats that I have are quickly gaining in the number of websites that they have, and wouldn't be surprised if one day, theirs outnumber mine.

The following are places one can build a "website" for their cat(s) or dog(s)

Catster Website:


Dog Owner's Website:


This link is the website one can create a website for their pet regardless of what type of pet they own, from cats, dogs, birds, lizards, horses, hamsters, mice, even their pet fish!

All Type Of Pets Website

As I've mentioned, creating and designing a website for you pet just might be the ultimate means of showing ones love for their pet, and another side benefit is that one can meet fellow pet owners and show off their pets to each other. So if you are a pet "nut" and want a unique way to show off your "baby" to the world, I can think of nothing better than developing a website for your pet companion.

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