Thursday, July 3, 2014

ARTICLE: Just How Safe Have Those Childhood Vaccines Been? Have the Childhood Vaccines Been the Cause of Other Health Problems?

(Originally published at Yahoo.Voices formerly Associated Content~August 23, 2007)

Recently, I've been reading up on a few articles related to the childhood vaccinations that parents are required to get for their children, yet the more I read about them, the more I am questioning, just how safe have they actually been for our children?

Childhood vaccinations were created as far back as the 1930s, and were considered nothing short of a miracle answer in preventing the common childhood diseases such as measles and mumps. As time passed, even more vaccines were created to prevent the threat of just about every known disease that children could succumb to from chicken pox to polio. Unfortunately, little did people know or realize, that there was one ingredient contained in all of these vaccines that acted as a preservative to keep these vaccines active and effective, and that was Thimersol, which is an organic mercury compound. That's right, mercury had been added to all those vaccines. It has only been in the past few years that the FDA has suggested and recommended that Thimersol should no longer be used in any of the vaccines made nowadays. My question is, what overall effect have these vaccines triggered in those children given these vaccines prior to Thimersol being removed as a preservative? 
All of these childhood vaccines are administered to children as early as two years of age, and continue throughout young childhood, and according to one article I read, and I quote:

...".Starting in the early nineties, government regulators dramatically increased the amount of Thimerosal exposure to babies by adding two new vaccines to the roster of mandatory immunizations children must have before enrolling in school. 
The combination of the Hepatitis B vaccine and the HiB vaccine more than doubled the amount of mercury children. "If you take a ten-pound baby in, and it gets four shots on that one day, which is a common practice - that's equivalent to giving a 100-pound person forty shots in one day," said mercury expert Dr. Boyd Haley....Haley has testified before Congress and the Pentagon as one of the nation's leading experts on Thimerosal and mercury poisoning. The research he's done at the University of Kentucky leads him to believe that some children are genetically predisposed to storing mercury in their brains...."

So, what has been the effect of exposing young babies and children to all this mercury? While it hasn't been proven, there are many people, including Dr. Boyd Haley, who believe that:

..."It's the cumulative effect of the mercury which Haley and other scientists say leads to neurological disorders, including autism...."

Is it possible that the ever increasing rise of such neurological conditions in children, such as autism and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) have a link to these vaccines, especially those that had Thimerosal? Is it even remotely possible that such problems may also be triggered as a result of such young children being virtually bombarded with all these vaccines in the first place? All vaccines regardless of what disease it's supposedly trying to prevent contain trace elements of the disease itself, with the concept that the vaccine is given and acts as an aid to build an immunity for that disease. As has been documented,however,neurological disorders such as autism and ADHD usually only become apparent in pre-school and early school years of the child, long after the child has been exposed to all these vaccines.

And what about adults now who had been given vaccines in their childhood and most certainly did have exposure to Thimerosal. Could this explain various health issues that many adults are facing now? Why for instance are more and more adults being diagnosed with such conditions as Fibromyalgia? Have we been virtual walking timebombs with medical conditions ready to happen due to these vaccines that have given to us and had been drummed into our heads as being miracles for the prevention of so many diseases?

Now of course, one could say, well if these vaccines are so damaging to one's health and might be the cause of so many medical problems that develop later, than why aren't all children or adults affected? One has to remember, each and everyone of us reacts to vaccines and medications in general a different way. What could indeed be a lifesaver for one person could be lethal for another. As, an old saying I once heard, "it'll either cure you or kill you."

Yes, I know a lot of what I say here is my pure speculation, and I'm bringing up questions that may never been successfully answered. However, the cynic and skeptic in me just has to wonder about all this. I find this particularly true now with the continued rise in recalls by the FDA of so many medications as being potential risk and further health hazards. This of course includes such medications such as the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication, Vioxx, which was pulled of the market, but then re-instated but with severe warnings.

So I'm wondering, just how "miraculous" have all these vaccines been for children--have they done more harm than good? Have they indeed been the trigger for such conditions as autism or ADHD? In a 6- page PDF file one can download --It states that "The prevalence of autism has risen from one in about 2,500 children in the mid-1980s to ONE in about 300 children in 1996.." For those interested in reading this PDF file in full please type in a search engine the title," Thimerosal in Childhood Vaccines, Neurodevelopment Disorders, and Heart Disease in the Unites States".

I have also provided links to just a few articles that raise this question of the potential and detrimental effects these vaccines may have caused:

Mercury in Childhood Vaccines: What Did The Government Know?

Mercury in Childhood Vaccines

Mercury in Childhood Vaccines

Mercury In Childhood Vaccines 2

A search can be made to find scores of other articles as well.

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