Up until a little while ago, I never even had heard of this "event" which I understand has been a yearly occurrence in Holly, NY for some seven years now. No doubt neither has the rest of America nor the world heard of it either, that is of course, until now and is sparking the outrage of animal organizations, activists and advocates, including myself. There have been huge campaigns and pleas by animal activists and organizations, such as Friends of Animals, for Holley, NY to reconsider and completely cancel what many of us view as a virtual massacre of a species of animal, the squirrel; however, if the event is still scheduled as planned on February 16th, animal activists plan to physically protest against it.
Here's how the "Hazzard County Squirrel Slam" works. The Holly Fire Department "sponsors" this event in the effort to raise money. Tickets are sold for $10.00 as an entry fee for those wishing to participate in this massive squirrel killing. The event is not only open to adults, but children as young as 12 are encouraged to participate as well. Prizes are given to those who kill the squirrels by the most "weight" of the killed squirrels, and a special cash prize is given and awarded to the person who kills the biggest squirrel. Oh, but it gets better. Not only are cash prizes awarded, but there is also raffle to win guns.
Now some people might wonder, well why all the fuss over killing "mere" squirrels? The squirrel is of the rodent family, they aren't exactly an endangered species, are highly populous not only in suburban areas, but in cities as well, and many consider them a nuisance and can be destructive. Gee, I think I just described the human species, after all, we're not an endangered species either, we're highly populous all over the world, we can be considered a nuisance species and yes, the human species is also highly destructive.
Here is how animal activists and advocates, such as myself however, view such a massacre killing of the squirrels in Holly, NY, and why we're outraged. Point blank it's sending a very negative message, especially to young children, that in essence it's okay to go on a massive killing hunt and to be awarded such an act by winning cash prizes and guns no less. With the December 14, 2012 tragedy that occurred at the Sandy Hook school in Newtown, CT, this event is actually going to raffle off guns to win as a prize? Are you joking me?
Not a week goes by when I'm made aware of some horrific case of animal abuse via the internet: stories of young children dousing an innocent young kitten or puppy with flammable liquid, then setting the kitten or puppy on fire; stories of people who create "crush videos", where some woman literally crushes an young animal to death with high stiletto heeled shoes and tapes the whole thing; stories of people who take "fun" in mutilating an animal and perhaps skinning it alive; stories of trigger happy cops who shoot family pets in front of their owner, and the horror stories goes on and on. And lets not forget the horrific conditions we subject farm animals in farm factories.
These are stories that are not going to be on the mainstream news media, why I don't know, but then perhaps the news prefers to focus on really "important" news subjects, such the latest escapade of Lindsey Lohan, or Kim Kardashian, oh, and lets not forget that Justin Beiber was photographed with a marijuana joint! Now that's news folks!
Still, In a time when those of us are aware of such animal abuse atrocities and we shake our heads and wonder why we're hearing of so many more animal abuse cases, then for anyone then to condone the outright massive killing of any animal is, as I said, truly sending the wrong message and especially to the younger generation. Children given the go-ahead and that is all right to kill animals in mass, and for prizes no less, might think it's all right to kill other animals as well, including cats and dogs.
I'm not against hunting per se, that is, I'm not against those who genuinely hunt for food, and many people still do. Ironically, an expert hunter will kill an animal in one shot which I almost view as being more humane, if you want to call it that, then how animals are kept in farms factories and live their lives in misery, pain, neglect and are killed usually by slitting the animals neck and let it bleed to death and often butchered while still half alive.
I am however, against hunting animals as trophies, or those who kill animals such as retired zoo or circus animals like lions and tigers in canned hunts, and I'm most certainly against any kind of massive slaughter of hunting any animal for prizes. The whole premise of this "Hazzard County Squirrel Slam" is to raise money and is a fundraiser event. Sorry, but I think there are more constructive ways to raise money than having a massive killing spree of animals.
Sources: Articles About "Hazzard County Squirrel Slam"
Examiner Article About Squirrel Slam
Daily News Article About Squirrel Slam
Joe Mason's Article about Squirrel Slam